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Est-ce le planning d'Obama de Nucléariser la Russie et Démarrer la Troisième Guerre Mondiale?

Publié le par José Pedro


Un nouveau rapport circulant au Kremlin aujourd’hui et préparé par le service des renseignements extérieurs de la Fédération de Russie (SVR) pour le Ministère de la Défense (MoD) stipule que le commandant en charge de la communication en cas de guerre nucléaire du Président Obama, a été arrêtée et relevée de ses fonctions après avoir manqué à transmettre les codes autorisant une attaque à l’arme nucléaire contre la Fédération, en coordination avec une attaque « surprise » similaire par l’aviation du Royaume-Uni.

Selon le SVR, le Capitaine de la Navy Américain Heather E. Cole, qui était la commandante en charge des communications de la Navy Wing 1 localisé dans la base aérienne de Tinker dans l’Oklahoma, fournissait les liens de communications qui permettaient au Président Obama et au secrétaire de la défense Ahston Carter de rentrer directement en contact avec les sous-marins, bombardiers et bases de lancement de missiles dont les forces nucléaires stratégiques des Etats-Unis sont composées.


Le 16 Mars, nous dit le rapport, le Capitaine Cole a directement reçu l’ordre de du Pentagone de lancer une attaque nucléaire « limitée » contre la Fédération de Russie, mais elle a failli à ses obligations d’officier dû à une panne du dispositif de sécurité et d’armement (PAL), provoquant ainsi l’arrêt immédiat de l’attaque aérienne.

Car PAL est un système de sécurité dont le but est d’empêcher l’armement ou la détonation d’armes nucléaires, ont expliqué les experts du SVR dans le rapport. L’arrêt critique de cette fonction est le résultat d’une mesure de sécurité rajoutée par l’ancien secrétaire à la défense, Chuck Hagel, avant qu’il ne soit obligé de quitter ses fonctions le mois dernier pour ne pas avoir ovulu participer à une quelconque attaque envers la Russie.

Le rapport explique que le secrétaire Carter n’était pas conscient des changements de sécurité PAL de Hagel, ce qui a permis à Heather E. Cole de mettre fin à l’attaque nucléaire aérienne.

Pour ne pas avoir communiqué l’autorisation de lancement des forces nucléaires américaines, poursuit le rapport, Heather E. Cole a été arrêtée le 17 Mars dernier, a été relevée de ses fonctions, a ensuite été déportée dans une base de San Diego (Californie) ou elle est confinée.

Written on March 22, 2015 at 6:08 pm by alpineski

nuke_usa(Conserservativepapers) Obama hates western civilization, he hate everything about America and the Judeo-Christain west and is doing everything he can to destroy it. The leftist idiots in the media and the cult like cool-aid drinking liberals are ignorantly cheering him along the way to their own dismay.

Obama was born with a Muslim father and a Muslims family in Kenya,  when his mother divorced she also married a second Muslims man Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo as she converted to Islam.  Obama school records in Indonesia show him registered as a Muslim student. Was Obama a Muslim, probably, Perhaps Ayatollah Khomeini is not the only one we should worry about having access to the nuclear button.

Islam hates the west and wants it destroyed, what a dream for the radical Muslim like Obama to get Orthodox Christian Russia and China in a Nuclear war with USA and NATO (Europe) also Judeo-Christian countries. Obama can get rid of the white devils he hates so much, in the end the Islamic countries will be the only countries standing, can you say Allahu Akbar??

Rumors swirling around the internet in the past few days is Obama fired US Navy Captain Heather E. Cole, reports are that she has been arrested and relieved of her command after failing to transmit launch codes authorizing an atomic weapons first-strike attack upon the Russian Federation in coordination with a similar “surprise” attack planned by the United Kingdom.

The Navy site confirms her firing but is short of giving any real details as to why she was fired. See here: navytimes.

On Monday, 16 March, this report states, Captain Cole received from the Pentagon a launch order authorizing a “limited” nuclear strike against the Russian Federation, but which failed due to a critical Permissive Action Link (

Fired Navy Capt. Heather E. Cole
Fired Navy Capt. Heather E. Cole

target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>PAL) failure thus causing her to abort this planned attack.

As a PAL is a security device for nuclear weapons whose purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapons, SVR experts in this report explain, the critical failure in this instance was an added security measure ordered by the former US Secretary of Defense,Chuck Hagel, prior to his being forced out of office last month over his refusal to have any part in this attack against Russia.

Last weekend when the US mainstream press was all a flutter over the “disappearance” of Putin with articles suggesting he had been deposed, his girlfriend was having a baby in Switzerland, he was sick and near death, etc., the real reason Russia Warns “State Of War” Exists As UK Nukes Prepare First Strike ,and that Putin was “under the protection of Ministry of Defense” in his bunker.

Is the US Navy Captain Heather E. Cole a modern day Soviet Navy Captain Vasili Arkhipov? Arkhipov during the Cuban Missile Crisis, courageously refused an order to launch a nuclear-torpedo against a US aircraft carrier. An act, which should have it occurred, would have started World War III, because, (once the Americans invaded Cuba (which a nuclear-torpedo attack against the USS Roosevelt would have assured),Soviet troops there were authorized to use 100 tactical nuclear weapons against the US invading force and their bases in South Florida.

Now the importance to people today knowing about these historical events is more critical than ever because the Cuban Missile crisis “13 Days That Shook The World” are now upon us all again…but with a stark “hidden difference”. And that” hidden difference”, between then and now, is where in 1962, the American people were allowed to know the grave danger their nation was facing should nuclear war erupt, today they are not being told anything but lies by their rulers.

Report are that Putin after being under the protection of his Ministry of Defense for 10 days, Putin reemerged into the public this past Monday (16 March) and launched the largest military combat operations in Russia’s history since World War II…and we reported that to you in this report Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As Russia Prepares For War.

According to Russian news sources nuclear war was averted by the heroics of Capt. Heather E. Cole, who refused to communicate the launch authorization to U.S nuclear forces.

Obama was about to launch a limited nuclear strike on the Russian Federation on Monday, with a coordinated “surprise” attack by the U.K .

It is stated that Captain Cole’s actions were made possible by the security measures put in place by former defense chief, Chuck Hagel prior to his resignation. She is reportedly under arrest and has been relieved of her command.

Yesterday, 20 March, in reports are Russian’s  “Prepare For Nuclear War” Russia Warns Citizens As US Tanks Flood Into Europe,  Russia had ordered all companies and employers to prepare for nuclear war and how the US has been flooding Europe with tanks and armored vehicles in the past weeks.

At this VERY MOMENT, the US and NATO are conducting their largest wide-scale war games in modern history in the Baltic states and creating a “line of troops” across Eastern Europe….while at the same time thousands of Russia troops are in full combat alert while Russian nuclear missiles are being moved to the front lines and Russia’s strategic nuclear bombers are in the air and ready to attack.

The only FACT remaining unknown right now is if/when these two titanic forces will begin fighting? And if/when they do?  You can rest assured it will go nuclear in the very first minutes…after all, Obama didn’t begin building (in 2011) his massive nuclear weapons plant in Kansas City for nothing!

Are we just hours or days away from Nuclear war as American’s remains asleep?